The Fix

A little writing I did this morning as a result of my personal struggle over what my life should be.

The Fix

I think and think about what to do. I try to understand and think through God’s truth for me and the world in general, and I come up frustrated and lost, day in and day out. I believe I can see now, that I need to stop, and just simply seek the presence and relationship with God. I need to get my mind off the answers, and just get connected to the answer giver. Let Him be such a powerful force of presence in me, that His reality in me bears fruit even without my own understanding.

This is an intense struggle for me. This idea of not thinking, not analyzing, not solving, not troubleshooting, goes against everything that I have been, every day of my life. My identity has been found in analyzing, understanding, and fixing things. This way of being goes way beyond the obvious application of machines and mechanisms. I approach everything from this perspective. All my life, but more intensely these last few years, I have been much more deeply analyzing people, culture, religion, thought, philosophy, ideologies, any and all things related more directly to the condition of human struggle and solutions. I’m watching us struggle and self destruct, like a machine that’s in disrepair, out of proper adjustment, and being pushed and pushed, to a catastrophic breaking point. I’m taking it personally, that I haven’t done anything to make it better. Man, I haven’t even been successful at making the machine of my own life what it should be. I feel like I’ve screwed up in nearly every way possible. I’ve failed my wife, my kids, my culture. What went wrong? What continues to go wrong? I know I’m not alone in this. I see the despair, the depression, the nihilism all around me.

Is the problem a physical one? Have we misdiagnosed the human condition? Can we, with our intellectual efforts, and human strivings, bring about a utopian world, or “make America great again”, or, will flesh just keep producing the fruit of the flesh?

Jesus IS the way, the truth and the life. When Jesus overwhelms our flesh, because we surrender it to Him, His goodness, the only goodness that truly exists, does real good, to those we bring Him to.

Want to fix the world, or even just yourself. Stop trying, and turn all your effort to the only one who can really fix anything. Take it from a “fixer” and a “builder/maker”. Our fixing and building is a temporal delusion. As soon as we make something better, it immediately proceeds toward the destruction of entropy. Want to see a better world, I say again, STOP what you are trying, and pursue with all your heart THE ONE who IS good, and does good, and HE, will do good in and through you. This is the hope, this is the change that must take place. All else is failure sooner or later. All else brings division, condemnation, judgement, oppression, depression, nihilism and destruction.

Do not fear, trust Jesus, seek Jesus, and He will save you in ways you do not yet know.

Let’s be REAL

I know that a lot of you out there are hurting, feeling lost, searching for answers, struggling to try to figure out how to best live your life. I know your pain, I feel the same way. Most people who feel this way are trying to put up a good front, give those around us, even those closest to us, a sense that everything is good, but truthfully, it’s not ok.

I want to do and be what’s right and good. Deep down, I have a very high sense of integrity and a desire to do what’s right and good for those in my life, as well as those around me. I have no desire to take advantage of others, no matter how it may benefit me. I would love to deal with, do business with, and have friendships and fellowship with people who have the same values and integrity as myself.

I believe that all who feel this way, have a hard time finding each other, because we’re all afraid of being vulnerable and expressing our true struggles with anyone. I’m expressing it now, because I believe that we need each other. I believe that a group of people who are honest with each other about the struggle, can together, find their way through it and into a life that is free and at peace. I believe that that group of people, is supposed to be the idea of something called the church, but in my continuous experience, the thing that calls itself the church, is really just an enterprise that exists to pay a preacher, and grow the enterprise. I not only don’t find peace in these enterprises, but I find a disconnected group of people who mostly just keep up the charade of “I’m ok, your ok” and frankly, I just don’t need that. I need REAL.

In essence, I just want to cut the crap, and get to being real, together with whomever has that same desire and need. No imparting of religious guilt, no tithing, no law, no special days of the week, no figure head preacher who’s paid to pretend he and his family have it all together and has the answers. None of this, and I have a lifetime of experience here, has really helped me to find peace and life, just plenty of guilt, shame and continued unrest.

If your honest enough to admit that this is where you are as well, I’d love to meet you, talk to you, and maybe even find peace together with you. We live in a broken, dieing culture. I don’t want to see it go that way, and I believe it starts with dealing with our own brokenness.

Direct message or email me. Tell me how you feel about this. If you have all the answers and you think you’ve got it all under control, than please by all means let me know because I haven’t met you yet, and I’ve spent a lifetime searching.

Freedom Fight 2

So, what’s all this “freedom fight” nonsense? Well I’ll tell you. It’s about the fact that I was bound by a number of ideologies that were largely untrue. I have, in effect, been freed from the idea that, and this is a big one, that God accepts me based on my performance. Absolutely not true! God may care about the potentially destructive activities I might be inclined to engage in, just like I do with my kids, but He does not reject me because of such activities.

I also was lead to believe there were a great deal of limitations in my life regarding what I could or should do. Again, the product of a lot of well intentioned people who were themselves in bondage. Not blaming anyone, but not only do I not want to continue with such limitations, I want to see you set free as well.

The “freedom fight”, is about sharing with you how I’ve been set free, helping where and when I can to secure your freedom, and supporting one another in the process. The fact is I need the support and encouragement as much as anybody.

I so much want to hear from you. Please don’t hesitate to comment, even if it’s just, “I’m right there with ya bro”, or “hey man, I think you might have a screw loose”.

Let’s put up a fight together!

Freedom Fight 1

Take heart, weariness comes and goes like the waves, but the sun is always there, it’s just hard to see sometimes.

As a reflection of the video I just posted, I wanted to share a couple quick thoughts. It’s harder than it seems to post content consistently but like so many other things in my life right now, I’m trying.

The big thing I want to express this morning is, don’t give up hope. It’s easy to get discouraged and start losing heart. For anybody out there, like me, who has spent the first ten, twenty, thirty or moreĀ  years operating under certain false beliefs and assumptions. For those who after all this time, have finally come to understand that the limitations you thought were there just simply aren’t. For those who think they have lost too much time to now reach their true potential. This is the place for us to work through the next steps together. If we work to encourage each other and spur each other on, we can reach beyond what we ever thought possible.

Stand and Fight!

Is it ok if I just take a minute to unload some frustration? I mean, I don’t write this blog because I have all the answers, I write it because I am convinced that there are thousands, if not millions of people just like me, in the same position in life, with the same perceived hurdles. Maybe we can get through it together. Maybe we can find a way to constructively encourage and challenge each other.

I think everything was ok as long as I believed that the mediocrity in my life was just fine, that there was nothing more that I was capable of. I mean, I think deep down I knew something wasn’t quite right, but I was getting along just fine in my ignorance. Now, my eyes have been opened, I realize I’ve been sold a line of bull and now I just can’t simply go back. “Why oh why, didn’t I take the blue pill!” But that’s the thing, would I really want to go back even if I could? No way!

I have to find a way, but to be honest, on days like today, frustration and discouragement seem to be winning, but I cannot let them! I will not back down without a fight! Maybe I didn’t get off to a great start early in life, but I refuse to accept that it’s too late.

If this resonates with you, stand with me, let’s stand and fight together. Let’s refuse together to accept the voices external and internal that say, “it’s too late”, “you’re not good enough”, “just go back to the old you”. No way! No Way! We can succeed, we will succeed!

Created for Success!

Well I might just as well start with a post to explain my blog title I guess. I believe we were created to succeed. We are God’s prized beings, created in His image, infused with His divine nature and creativity. He created a beautiful place for us filled with amazing things for us to discover and be creative with. “Be fruitful and multiply, fill and subdue the earth”, those were His words to His perfectly created humans before we decided we didn’t need Him or want His input or direction, before we decided that we would take control over what is good and evil for ourselves. So, there it is, successfully, create, procreate and rule with the divine goodness that you were created with. We screwed that all up then He sent Jesus so we could get back to that state.